
Units of Credits

TCC’s academic year is divided into four quarters.

Cumulative GPA

Your cumulative GPA (grade point average) is listed on official and unofficial transcripts.

You can view your GPA on ctcLink  by following these steps:

  1. Go to ctcLink
  2. Sign in with your student ID number and password
  3. Select Student Homepage
  4. Select Academic Records
  5. Select View Unofficial Transcript

Major GPA Calculation

Procedure to Calculate Your Cumulative GPA: Multiply the number of credits for each course by the numeric grade achieved for that course (see below) to determine grade points. Divide the sum of the grade points by the total number of credits attempted.


Class and Credits Letter Grade and Numeric Equivalent Credit x Numeric= Grade Points
ENGL& 101, 5 credits B+ (3.3) 5 x 3.3 = 16.5 grade points
ANTH& 205, 5 credits C+ (2.3) 5 x 2.3 = 11.5 grade points
ART 117, 3 credits A (4.0) 3 x 4.0= 12 grade points

Total Grade Points= 40

40 grade points ÷ 13 credits = GPA 3.076 or 3.08

Tacoma Community College rounds up two decimal places.

Grading System

Course Grade System Policy

  • A (4.0)
  • A- (3.7)
  • B+ (3.3)
  • B (3.0)
  • B- (2.7)
  • C+ (2.3)
  • C (2.0)
  • C- (1.7)
  • D+ (1.3)
  • D (1.0)
  • E (0.0) Not considered passing. No credit is earned.

Grades A, B, C, D and S are considered passing for Financial Aid purposes.

Grade WI, V, and Z are no longer used effective Fall 2021. Grade D- is also no longer in effect as of Fall 2012. 

Non Traditional Grading Options

IP (In progress)             

Used for students enrolled in competency based, federally funded Basic Education for Adults (BEdA) programming. May be awarded to students who remain enrolled and are demonstrating progress toward completion of course competencies.

Students may earn an IP in the same course two times. On the third attempt the student is not eligible for an IP and instead must earn a letter grade.
W (Withdrawal)

Student initiated official withdrawal.

May withdrawal through the 60th calendar day of the quarter*
I (Incomplete)

Temporary grade granted at the discretion of the instructor when the student has completed more than 60% of the course material and has an agreed upon plan to finish remaining coursework. Requires completion and recording of the Incomplete Grade Agreement in place no later than the last day of instruction.

The incomplete grade converts to the earned grade (A-E) at the end of one quarter (not counting summer) unless there are extenuating circumstances and an extension is agreed upon by the instructor and student. Effective 05/26/2021 III.STSV-208 Course Grade System Policy
S (Satisfactory) Awarded if the student performed at the level of C or higher. May request S/U option through 60th calendar day*. (Credit only, no grade point)
U (Unsatisfactory) Awarded if the student performed at the level of C- or below. May request S/U option through the 60th calendar day of the quarter*.  (No credit, no grade point)
N (Audit) No grade awarded. Students experience course materials but are not assessed. A student who audits a course for no credit pays full tuition and fees.

Academic Renewal

A student may petition to have TCC course work set aside. Course work set aside (forgiven) will not be used in the determination of credits earned at TCC, the cumulative grade point average, or the calculation of honors. The course number, title and original grade of all forgiven course work will remain on the transcript. Academic Renewal will not be used to recalculate grade point average for financial aid purposes. (Financial aid regulations make no provision for academic renewal; therefore, all courses applicable to a student’s major—whenever taken—will be included in evaluating a student’s satisfactory academic progress for financial aid eligibility.)

Academic Renewal Petition

Academic Renewal Policy

Academic Review Policy

Academic Review Policy


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